This week's Spotlight focuses on the Caldwell Public Library. The Library is located at 120 S Main and is open Mondays from 10 AM until 6 PM. Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 AM until 2 PM. Eager workers, Director Lisa Moreland, Assistant Director Kerry Cutler, and Librarians Nancy Roop and Jennie Webster fill the aisles with helpful information about books for leisure, or those needed for reports and research. The excellent thing about our library is they are able to acquire books from other libraries if they don’t have what you need.
The Caldwell Public Library welcomes all and invites parents to check out the Books and Babies storytimes. The next one will be held Monday, February 21st at 5:30 PM. Summer storytimes are also held for Kindergarten through 5th grade.
They will have a book signing for “These Old Bones” by researchers Michelle Schiltz and Lu Ann Jamison on February 26th at 2 PM. Enjoy the room dedicated to Caldwell History by late historian Rod Cook, or use their computer lab for a quiet place to do research. Additional benefits are a monthly book club that meets at Laura Irelands and the ability to proctor college exams. Drop-in and pay them a visit!
Special thanks to Jim Messing for doing all the required maintenance necessary to keep the Library the wonderful, welcoming place that it is!
